
We bought our farm in 2007 and since then we have made many changes to reduce our farm’s impact on the environment and improve habitat for wildlife.

• We remodeled our manure lagoon and installed earthen diversions to make sure that none of the run-off from our cow and heifer yards goes into the pond that we share with our neighbors. Our pond is now filled with wildlife.


• We encourage wildlife to inhabit our farm by leaving brush piles near the pond, putting wood duck houses on trees near the pond, and allowing some of the pasture to go un-grazed until after the bird nesting season is over.

• The manure from our lagoon is injected directly into our fields, which eliminates run-off, reduces odors, and makes more nutrients available to our crops. Since we started injecting the manure into the fields, we have improved our crop yields per acre and greatly reduced our need for purchased fertilizers.

• We work with a crop consultant to help us plan our crop rotations, improve our soil fertility and improve our yields.



